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  • 블랙 페이스 북 아이콘
  • 블랙 인스 타 그램 아이콘
  • 블랙 트위터 아이콘

Lie down Like Grass

Genre    |   Drama

Director |   Kyung-Choon Lee

Cast       |   Sung-Ki Ahn , Yoo-Young Jin

Runtime |   107 min

Lie Down Like Grass
동영상 보기


Though smart, a down and out man sees himself as a failure in life. He steals some money and takes off to Seoul with a friend, whose half-brother pursues them. They find a new friend along the way but the vagabond's friend runs away before they reach Seoul. The other two feel betrayed and they're all miserable in their lives. The new friend they picked up along the way figures out how to reunite them. They work hard to create a new life, and plant flowers and grass around the city. Will they commit more crimes? Will they run away again?

Contents Zone Co.,Ltd


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