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  • 블랙 페이스 북 아이콘
  • 블랙 인스 타 그램 아이콘
  • 블랙 트위터 아이콘

Crazy for You

Genre    |   Drama

Director |   Yeo-Song Moon

Cast       |   Ye-Jin Im , Bul-Am Choi

Runtime |   85 min

Crazy for You
동영상 보기


One morning, Ji-young has a bike accident and gets some help from a boy who was practicing the marathon. Jin, an orphan, who wants to be a national champion of marathon, falls ill during the practice and discovers that he has a heart disease. Regardless of his disease, he insists on taking parts in the competition but ends up getting hospitalized. Ji-young hears this news. She asks her parents to help Jin but they rejected it. She steals a camera and gets caught by the police. The police sympathize her situation and lets her go free. However, she gets suspended from school and criticized by the others. Jin dies of shock and Ji-young weeps for it.

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